8 August 2004 Scotland on Sunday


By Linda McLean. Traverse Theatre review

DAVID Mamet talks about the “Death of my Kitten” speech. He says it’s that point in a play, usually three-quarters of the way through, when the writer interrupts the action with a pretty monologue. It often begins: “When I was young I had a kitten . . .”


22 April 2004 The Guardian

The Nest

By Alan Wilkins. Traverse Theatre review.

IT'S the reason they give for climbing a mountain: because it's there. The mountaineer's mantra is amusing because, in its simplicity, it stands as a metaphor for life; why do we do anything? Well, what else would we do?

April 2004 Northings

The Nest

By Alan Wilkins. Traverse Theatre review.

IN a perfect example of niche marketing, Edinburgh’s Traverse Theatre is making its annual tour of the Highlands and Islands with a play about climbing Munros. Short of performing Alan Wilkins’s drama in an actual bothy on Sgurr Mor, the company could have got no closer to its target audience.

30 January 2004 Northings

The Slab Boys

By John Byrne. Traverse Theatre review.

THIS is a case, I suspect, of the whole being more than the sum of its parts. The parts being John Byrne’s The Slab Boys, Cuttin’ a Rug and Still Life, three plays that follow two young men from a day in the paint-mixing room of a Paisley carpet factory to the staff dance that night, and on ten years to the graveside of one of their colleagues. Watching the plays individually, as I did, over a period of two months, their weaknesses were clear to see. But whatever my reservations, I don’t hesitate to recommend that you see all three in the same day when they play back-to-back at Eden Court Theatre on 14 February.

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