By Jo Clifford. A Traverse Theatre review.
DAVID Hume is getting maudlin. He has found out that, far from liberating the workforce, the free market has turned the workers into drones. Three centuries after the Enlightenment philosopher's birth, that's not the way he hoped things would turn out.
Blog about election plays. A Traverse Theatre/Tron Theatre blog/
FOR anyone interested in theatre and politics – and the relationship between the two – there was a fascinating juxtaposition of shows in Glasgow and Edinburgh this week. Kicking off the polemical Mayfesto programme at the Tron in Glasgow, It's a Dead Liberty reunited the old musically minded lefties of Wildcat and 7:84 theatre companies Ð both long since defunct – for a blues-inflected socialist cabaret.
By Rona Munro. A Traverse Theatre review.
JULIE tells her husband why her willow-pattern teacup meant so much to her. He sees only broken crockery. Online, Lin Han pours out her heart to a business contact. He thinks she is just being friendly. In an interrogation room, Madeleine declares her lust for a police officer: only the tape recorder hears her. Being unheard, the three women feel unloved. They long to be understood, but the men in their lives are distracted, puzzled and uncomprehending. Their world will be out of joint until someone gets what they're on about.
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