Peter Panto and the Incredible Stinkerbell
The Guardian 27 November 2024 I seen regular productions of Peter Pan that treat the death of Tinker Bell more casually than it is handled here by writer, director and…
The home of Scottish theatre
The Guardian 27 November 2024 I seen regular productions of Peter Pan that treat the death of Tinker Bell more casually than it is handled here by writer, director and…
The List 1 July 2024 Alan Cumming is sitting in his new Highlands home, a little poggled after a transatlantic flight. Boxes have still to be unpacked and the room…
The Guardian 30 June 2024 What moral compromises has the Christian right had to make in order to lend its support to Donald Trump, a convicted felon? It is a…
The Scotsman 15 February 2024 Had we tried to run an article before Christmas about Blythe Duff’s latest role, the former Taggart actor would have had little to say. Even…
Published in The List 3 November 2023 If the culture wars were an actual thing rather than the delusions of some Tory sociopaths, where would pantomime be in the battle?…
The Guardian 18 October 2023 Andy Arnold is a director with staying power. Nae Expectations, which has just opened at Glasgow’s Tron theatre, is his swansong production after nearly 16…
The Scotsman 8 August 2023 Helen Enright is sitting in the circle of Glasgow’s Pavilion Theatre and admiring the view. It is a splendid sight. Built by William “Bertie” Crewe…
The Guardian 8 February 2023 When you see the gang of teenagers who form a midnight coven in Maryam Hamidi’s punchy and poetic new play, you think of Shakespeare’s Macbeth,…
The Scotsman 7 January 2023 Theatre is a precarious business. So much can happen between commission and production, it’s best nobody gets their hopes up. That is why Eilidh Loan…
The Guardian 27 November 2022 Holywood repeats itself, first as musical, second as panto. If you have never imagined Dorothy in drag, well, you have never reckoned on Johnny McKnight,…