Michel Tremblay: Plays in Scots
Critical Stages 8 July 2024 It was not a phrase I dwelt over. Certainly, I did not expect it to have staying power. But when I wrote that Michel Tremblay…
The home of Scottish theatre
Critical Stages 8 July 2024 It was not a phrase I dwelt over. Certainly, I did not expect it to have staying power. But when I wrote that Michel Tremblay…
The List 1 July 2024 Alan Cumming is sitting in his new Highlands home, a little poggled after a transatlantic flight. Boxes have still to be unpacked and the room…
The Guardian 14 August 2022 Everybody is larger than life in Michael Boyd’s tremendous staging of Liz Lochhead’s play, still queasily contentious 2,500 years after the Euripides original. In one…